The classic song “Euskal Herrian Euskaraz,” ends with the phrase ‘Ez al dakizu euskara dela euskaldun egiten gaituena?” (Don’t you know that Euskera is what makes us Euskaldunak?). Basque students and teachers in the diaspora aren’t only aware of this concept, but they also fight for it every day studying, striving and working for the Basque language. “International Day of Euskera was celebrated on December 3rd; the challenge of teaching it and studying it happens all year round,” they say.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. The International Day of Euskera is celebrated in the Basque Country and the Diaspora on December 3rd, on the feast of San Francisco Javier. In South America, a step away from summer, some Basque clubs combine their celebration of ENE with their end of year party, and review the activities held all year. Today,, provides the first installment of activities in December in honor of and vindication of the Basque language. We will continue with various instalments providing our readers a tour of all of the festivities that take place. If you have yet to let us know about your Basque club, you can do so via email: If you write from Argentina or Uruguay, email:
On the other hand, there were Basque clubs who pushed up their festivities like Denak Bat in Cañuelas who held it on the last week of November. During dinner, besides giving a talk on the current situation of Euskera, the Basque club also showed a video of its 2016 activities.