Merced, California, USA. Aita Antton Egiguren, chaplain to Basque communities in the United States sent his best wishes of “Eguberri on!” (Merry Christmas) from California. The priest from Bidegoian will celebrate a bilingual mass on Christmas day that will be broadcast on Facebook from the Lady of Mercy Parish in Merced, California. Mass begins at 8:15 (PST) for his traditional commentary on the Basque community; with mass beginning at 8:30am (9 hours later in Euskal Herria, or 5:15/5:30pm).
- Christmas mass missal, here
- Missal for December 27th mass, here
Aita Antton prays daily the rosary online in Basque. As well as celebrating Sunday mass that can also be followed on the Artzai Ona Facebook page, the US Basque Catholic association.
Elkarri, a Basque American catholic bulletin
The inaugural issue of the Artzai Ona newsletter Elkarri also debuted this month, which he would like to use as a way of communicating with the faithful Basque community in the US. If you would like to subscribe free of charge, you may do so by emailing
- To donate to Artzai Ona, here
- Artzai Ona website, here
- Recorded masses and rosaries, here