basque heritage worldwide
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Following the tradition of the years, the Basque Center Frances-Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea celebrated its year end party in the Gallery of the centuries-old institution. After enjoying a menu of pintxos and sandwiches, guests participated in drawings for souvenirs with a Christmas motif.
[Good cider and a newly remodeled room that was decorated for the toast at the Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea (photo]
The celebration organized by the culture subcommittee, included a visit from the Olentzero, who after doing the apple ritual with the “neskak” in the house, gave hope to all that their desires would soon come true. The party continued with dance and music until evening, at the building on Avenida Moreno.
2011 end of year celebration in Rosario
2012 will be a special year for the Basques in Rosario since they will be celebrating the centennial of the club. For the road traveled a well as for what is to come, the members of “Zazpi” made a toast on December 18th with a dinner at the Basque club.
[The Olentzero surprised the children at Zazpirak with his gifts (photo EE)]
“The main hall was made small by the large number of friends that accompany us as every year and didn’t want to miss the occasion,” said club members. After dinner, the children “who participate and who are learning about the traditional celebrations from their elders,” were surprised by a visit from the Olentzero who included in his itinerary a trip to the shore of the Parana. Under the theme “100 years of nationalism,” Zazpiarak Bat will begin, in less than one week, a year of intense activity.
Euskaldunak Denak Bat in Arrecifes
The directors of the Basque club in Arrecifes are also involved in organizing a special anniversary. Next year, this Basque club in the north of the province of Buenos Aires will celebrate its 90th year and its members are dedicated to preparing the festivities. Even so, they closed 2011 with a get together of Basque students, dantzaris, family and members of the commission.
Each group was in charge of the dances. The txikis and the intermediate group performed “Kontradantza” the Fandango and for the first time “Gorulari.” The younger adult group Ugarritzak performed the Fandango and Arin Arin; and the Txikis Zaharrak did the Fandango and “Carnaval de Lanz.” The group of students called Berria performed a skit about the farewell and the trip to Argentina by Basque immigrants that also included some songs in Basque.
[A skit and Basque dances at the party at Eusaldunak Denak Bat (photo EE)]
To close the party the president Maria Magdalena Boveda thanked everyone present and invited everyone to attend the 90 Birthday party that will be celebrated on February 25th.
Izatez Harro in Mar Chiquita
The older Basque centers are not the only ones with reason to celebrate. The newest one also filled their glasses to celebrate their accomplishments. This is the case in Mar Chiquita, who has achieved in its short history a number of goals for and with the Basques in the area. A mutual, procurement, professional training courses ... are just some of the deals offered by this center to its members. In addition, during 2011, Harro Izatez received official recognition by the Basque Government.
[Basques in Mar Chiquita celebrated the end of the year and the club’s second anniversary (photo EE)]
For all of these reasons, the Izatez Harro center celebrated the end of 2011 along with its second anniversary and the beginning of 2012 among friends with their best wishes. The party took place on December 10th at “Momentos,” where guests could enjoy good food and a good show.
Euskal Sustraiak in Trenque Lauquen
In Trenque Lauquen, the end of year party took place on December 13th. The gathering was described by its organizers as “a gathering of the entire euskal etxea family, members of the board, collaborators, friends and family,” also in attendance was the mayor Raul Feito along with accountant and member Jorge Zubillaga, who were recognized for their continuous support by receiving a present from the club’s secretary Alejandra Bengochea.
[The center in Trenque Lauquen gathered family members and friends to celebrate the end of the year (photo EE)]
During dinner, a video was shown in which the board presented club activities of the past year, among others, a winter barnetegi, the festival of jamon, Sanfermines and the book presentation by Marita Echave. Afterwards Hector Echaide, center president, thanked those present and then enjoyed a concert by a local artist.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
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