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Do you want to go to Jaialdi and live with a Nez Perce tribe in Yellowstone? A few spot remain on the Bideak and Garai Landetxea tours


Promotional poster for the trip with Bideak and Garaiko Landetxea
Promotional poster for the trip with Bideak and Garaiko Landetxea


If you are reading from the Basque Country, you are still on time to travel to Boise for jaialdi. The Bideak agency and Agro-Tourism Garaiko Landetxea have organized a trip to Jaialdi in Boise from July 28-August 8.  Passengers will have the unique opportunity to live with a Nez Perce Tribe and participate in a Pow Wow in Yellowstone.  There are a  very few spots left. 

Durango, Bizkaia.   The Agro-Tourism Garaiko Landetxea and the Bideak travel agency has organized a trip to Idaho from July 28-August 8.  So far there are 12 people taking advantage of this trip but there are still some spots available, as Jasone Gezuraga told

During the first part of the trip, the group will be in Boise enjoying Jaialdi 2015.  Passengers will be lodged in a centrally-located hotel, just minutes away from Boise’s Euskal Etxea. 

On August 2, passengers will leave for the Nez Perce reservation where they will spend five nights living with them and getting to know their culture.  In addition, they will also attend a Pow Wow. 

“Ten years ago, we did a similar trip, although then, we first visited the reservation, and later went to Jaialdi.  We also went with the Aurtzaka Basque dance group and we did a cultural exchange with the Nez Perce.  It was very special,” Gezuraga said.

One of the dantzaris that was on that trip, Izaskun Salazar, is one of the guides this time.  The other two guides, Ane Etxeita and Jokin Agirre, are also dancers with the Garaiko Dantza Taldea.

“We will dance at Jaialdi, we will eat and enjoy the festivities.  Afterwards at the Nez Perce reservation we will rest, relax, and share their rhythm of life tranquilly.  They work in the casinos and we will also see that side of their life, in addition to enjoying the Pow Wow with them.  It is like Jaialdi but with native Americans,” Jasone concludes.

Anyone wishing to go on this trip should get in touch with the organizers as soon as possible by calling: 605-7432103/94-4656003 or via email:  The cost of the trip, with airfare, eleven hotel nights, Basque-speaking guides and bus transportation, is around 2,500 Euros.  

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