Donostia-San Sebastián. If you are someone who has researched diasporas or present or past migrations and you would like to present your contribution or conclusions, you are still on time to do so at the 31st annual AEMI (Association of European Migration Institutions) Conference that will take place at the end of this summer in Donostia. The Basque Government, through its Directorate for the Basque Community Abroad is part of the AEMI and this year will host and organize its 2021 conference, September 29-October 3, 2021 at the Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastian.
The title and theme of the gathering is “Relations between Diasporas and their Countries of Origin: New Migrations, Return Movements and Historical Context (Roots),” a broad topic that hopes to attract a large number of papers. Anyone wishing to participate must present their proposal by April 30th by emailing a 200-300 word summary of their work to the following emails: Benan Oregi ( or to Naiara Bedialauneta ( along with a brief CV.
The language of the Conference will be English. Conference presentations will be delivered at the Miramar Palace (, and there will also be the possibility to follow the Conference on line.
For any questions or concerns check here, or write to the organizers at the aforementioned emails.