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Changes at the Paris Euskal Etxea: Eric Itcia is relieving Sebastien Daguerre as the institution’s president


The Pariseko Euskal Etxea is located on 50 Avenue Gabriel Péri de 93400 Saint-Ouen
The Pariseko Euskal Etxea is located on 50 Avenue Gabriel Péri de 93400 Saint-Ouen


Paris, France. Basque Country born Eric Itcia was elected by the club’s General Assembly on June 22nd as the new president of the Paris Euskal Etxea, taking over for Sebastien Daguerre, after eight years of renowned management.  As reported, Sebastien Daguerre left office on March 23rd, at the General Assembly held on that day. Afterwards, there was a call for a time of reflection until June's General Assembly when elections were held and the members placed their trust in Eric Itcia.

The new president is originally from Milafranga-Villefranque, Lapurdi and has resided in Paris for several years.  He had previously lived in Toulouse where he also participated in the local euskal etxea, in the Basque language classes.

Here is the new board at the Euskal Etxea in Paris:

-President: Eric Itcia
-Co-Vice-president: Arlette Oçafrain
-Co-Vice-president: Jean-Marie Guezala
-Treasurer: Juan Salazar
-Adjunct Treasurer: Thierry Vercambre
-Secretary: Marie-Josée Chohobigarat
-Vice-secretary: Philippe Lartigue

Didier Abbadie
Frederic Barcos
Sylvain Behoteguy
Corinne Bordalecou
Marcial Chappet
Julien Combes
Quentin Cuesta
Victoria Esteban
Florencia Griponne
Lorea Ibañez
Bernard Lhuissier
Imanol Sallaberry
Mikael Treilhaud Daramy. 

Again another Mila Esker to Sebastien Daguerre and the outgoing board and another Eskerrik Asko and our best wishes to Eric Itcia and the new board!

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