Buenos Aires, Argentina. This activity has been CANCELLED for the current situation in the country and worldwide.
If you live in Buenos Aires or Greater Buenos Aires, you can attend an informative talk next Friday by Mariana Dominé. During the meeting, Dominé will present her Tour Euskal Herria 2020, a 14-day visit through the most iconic cities and places of Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Nafarroa, Araba and Iparralde, whose objective is always “enjoy a fantastic experience and get to know the Basque Land at the hands of those who love it and know it well.” The tour may also be extended to include four days in Barcelona.
The packet would include airfare departing on August 21st and returning onSeptember 3rd, half pension, admission to cultural and recreational attractions, specialized guides, quality buses and hotels. There is a big “promo” this year; anyone who belongs to a Basque club will have medical insurance for the trip free of charge (valued at approximately US $150).
The informative talk will take place at Euskaltzaleak, Bernardo de Irigoyen 826 on Friday March 13th at 7pm. There will be souvenir raffles among those present. For more information email mdomine2002@hotmail.com. Please RSVP at this email as well.