Gardnerville, NV, USA. Guillermo Blanco passed away on December 8th after a lengthy illness that resulted in medical expenses that his widow is not able to cover. This is the origin of this canpaign calling on the “generosity and solidarity of friends and well-wishers” to help her confront the situation. Guillermo was born in Spain, very near the Basque Country and emigrated, as many Basques, to the Western United states where he rapidly made friends and became part of Nevada’s Basque community. He married Jeanette Idiart Blanco, Basque-American daughter of an immigrant sheepherder from Lasa, Behe Nafarroa.
Guillermo and his family were active members of the Gardnerville Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba.
He passed away on December 8th after battling a long illness leaving behind big medical expenses that are not covered by insurance and that are insurmountable for his widow.
The campaign to help Jeanette Idiart Blanco aims to raise $5,000 that to date has collected $1,400. If you’d like to help, you can do so from here.