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Buenos Aires: On #10’s 60th birthday, the “Goal of the Century,” by Diego Armando Maradona is translated into Basque


Julieta Gaztañaga provides the narration of the “Goal of the Century,” by Diego A. Maradona at the 1986 World Cup in Mexico
Julieta Gaztañaga provides the narration of the “Goal of the Century,” by Diego A. Maradona at the 1986 World Cup in Mexico


Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Argentina and around the world, Diego Armando Maradona is always news for soccer fans and non-fans alike. On October 30th national and international press reported on the 60th birthday legendary and controversial striker from the national team. Today, the same international coverage follows the recovery of the former soccer player, minute by minute, who had to undergo surgery for a chronic subdural hematoma on the left side of his head.

In honor of his 60th birthday, and on the 34th anniversary of the legendary goal against the English at the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, the Euskaltzaleak Euskaltegi in Buenos Aires sent us the Basque version of the video by Victor Hugo Morales of the unforgettable story of the “Goal of the Century.”

Euskaltzaleak student, Julieta Gaztañaga explains, “The idea came to us from former Euskaltzaleak student, Jorge Montanari, who translated it into Esperanto and invited us to translate it into Basque. The challenge was not just changing the language but also to maintain the intonation, the tenses, and above all the excitement of the original story. She counted on the support of her teacher, Irene Lopez de Vicuña, and Jorge Montanari was in charge of the editing.”  Here is the result:  

[“The Goal of the Century,” told in Basque by Julieta Gaztañaga, original version, here]

“In this way, as it has done on previous occasions, for example participating in the translation of instructions on how to drink mate into Basque, Euskalzaleak works on real actions, taking the language of Euskal Herria to new and popular lands,” according to Euskaltzaleak sources.

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