Bueno Aires, Argentina. “Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country” is a festival organized by the General Directorate of Institutional Relations of the City of Buenos Aires’ government to pay tribute to the communities that reside in the capital. In the case of the Basques, they have found in this event the possibility to provide a real festival that more and more Basque clubs, dantzaris and institutions, become involved in year after year.
The “Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country” will take place this Sunday, May 8, originally planned for the 7th but due to reasons unrelated to the organization, the date was changed. Festivities will begin at noon with a parade of students from the Euskal Echea College.
Beginning at noon, the activities will happen simultaneously on two stages in this order:
ON THE STREET: Noon, parade of students from the Euskal Echea School
-12:15hs, Choir performance Lagun Onak
-12:45hs, Txistularis
-13:00hs, Ezpata-dantza and Lore Arkua (with various Basque clubs participating)
-13:15hs, First block dance performances, with the following euskal etxeas: Euskal Echea School, Beti Aurrera from Chivilcoy, Denak Bat from Cañuelas, Lagun Onak from Pergamino, Denak Bat from Lomas de Zamora, Ekin Dantzari Taldea from Buenos Aires, Zazpirak Bat from Rosario, Zingirako Euskaldunak from Chascomús, Euzko Etxea from La Plata, Ekin Dantzari Taldea (second turn), and Laurak Bat from Buenos Aires
-14:15hs, Alboka Demostration
-14:30hs, Ttrikitixa Demonstration
-15:00hs, Tamborrada
-15:30hs, Recital by Ixilik
-16:30hs, Second block of dance performances with the following euskal etxeas: Zingirako Euskaldunak from Chascomús, Guillermo Larregui from Chacabuco, Denak Bat from Mar del Plata, Toki Eder from José C. Paz (two turns), Euskaltzaleak from Buenos Aires, Denak Bat from Cañuelas, Zazpirak Bat from Rosario, Euskaldunak Denak Bat from Arrecifes, Denak Bat from Lomas de Zamora, Laurak Bat from Buenos Aires (two turns) and Euzko Etxea from La Plata
-12:15hs, Rural sports: aizkolaris and sokatira
-13:00hs, Typical Basque clothing
-13:15hs, Ephemeral art
-13:45hs, Activities for Kids
-14:00hs, Dancing on the Plaza directed by Aitor Alava
-14:45hs, Mixed Arcs and Fandango (with various euskal etxeas)
-15:00hs, Gastronomic activities with Agustín Muñiz, Koko Egozkue and Javier Ibaldo
ON THE STREET: 17:45/18:00, closing kalejira
Parallel activities on both stages, with stands along the Avenida de Mayo where the public will find the following:
-Basque Food Stands
Euskal Etxea from San Nicolás, Laurak Bat from Buenos Aires, Euskaltzaleak from Buenos Aires, Txindoki Taldea
-Basque Food Stands – Restaurants
Mesedez, Getxo, Restó of the Lomas de Zamora Basque club, Restó Koko Egozkue, Sagardi, Txindoki Taldea, Boro Paellas, Remaining participants from the Basque Gastronomic Week
-Basque Stores
Laurak Bat Euskal Etxea, Silvia Azpiazu, Euskaltzaleak Euskal Etxea, Iparralde Basque Club-CVF (Baserri colection), Eliana Dubarry, Andrea Aragón, Gure Gutiziak
Delegation of the Basque Government in Argentina and Mercosur, FECOBA, Basque-Argentine Chamber of Commerce
Lácteos El Mundo (Ospital Family), Chocolates Isla Negra, Basque Jewelry Recondo, Food Truck non-alcoholic beverages, Coca Cola Dispenser, Café Martínez, Paletas El Vasquito
News and updates: BA Celebrates the Basque Country