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Boise, USA. Next weekend, between the 25th and the 27th, Boise will be celebrating its annual San Inazio festival − an event that usually gathers around 2,500 people and is one of the main festivities organized by the local Basque community. However, as next year the capital city of Idaho is hosting its seventh Jaialdi, this year’s San Inazio is going to be very “lasai” (laid back, in Basque), as Gavica told this bulletin and website.
Fronton sports will be the focus of Friday’s program, as the pala and balin tournaments will begin that day, with the Basque Club streaming all the games. “Friday evening will be like a friends and family night. People will bring “pintxos” to the Basque Center and will watch the games on the screen. It’s going to be like a potluck,” says Gavica.
Both tournaments will finish on Sunday, but during the weekend there will be more activities to fill the city’s atmosphere with the San Inazio spirit: food, drinks, dances, weight lifting, and also “sokatira,” or tug of war. “This year we’ll have the Police Department and the Fire Department competing against each other,” explained Gavica. Saturday activities will be held at the Basque Block (except the St Ignatius mass and processions that will be celebrated at the Saint John’s Cathedral) and on Sunday organizers will have a picnic ready at the Municipal Park.
Some 60 people are working, at different levels, to make this happen, as Gavica highlighted, taking into account the ten members of the Euskal Etxea’s Board of Directors, who are especially involved in the festival.
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