Bolivar, Argentina. The Centro Navarro in Bolivar held its General Assembly on Saturday, August 7th, where elections were held for its board of directors. Mariana Sardon, of Baztan descent, daughter of former active member of the Marta Ladux, takes over as president from Miguel Angel Lasa, who was elected as club’s treasurer. The new board of directors if now comprised of the following:
-President: Mariana Sardón.
-Vice-president: Gabriela Unzué.
-Secretary: Mirta Moriones.
-Pro secretary: Andrea Rodrigo.
-Treasurer: Miguel A. Lasa.
-Pro treasurer: Analía Bruno.
1° Omar Lapenta
2° Mauricio Ruiz
3° Héctor Pérez
4° Rubén Tamborenea
1° Juan Carlos Moriones
2° Federico Estelrich
3° Stella Apesteguía
4° María E. Iroz
1° Raúl Mosca
2° Raúl Sáez
3° Danisa Miglierina
1° Pedro Navarro
2° Marcelo Nestares
Zorionak and mila esker to everyone coming on board, and those who are leaving their respective posts!