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Basque style wedding last Saturday in San Francisco: Zorionak Fred and Danielle (Espinal) Alfaro!


The newlyweds along with the Alfaro family and friends
The newlyweds along with the Alfaro family and friends


San Francisco, CA, USA. We received very exciting news from San Francisco with the wedding last weekend in Burlingame of two young people, Fred and Danielle who, surrounded by their family and friends celebrated this important day in the style of a traditional Basque wedding ceremony followed by more celebration.  Those present tell us that it was a beautiful, memorable day with extraordinary atmosphere where there was no shortage of traditional songs, mutxikoak, and other dances, with joy shared all around.

Proud grandfather Tony Espinal and the bride, walking down the aisle (photo Keely Watson)

Fred Alfaro and Danielle Espinal were both born in California and raised at the San Francisco Basque Club.  Fred’s family is from Aldude (Behe Nafarroa), and Danielle, is a descendant of Olondriz-Orondritz in the Erro Valley.

The wedding reception took place at the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco with joy, Basque song and dance and Basque-American rhythms provided by Jean Flesher and his band Amerikanuak.

Let us specify that we took extra joy in this event since the groom, Fred, had worked with us as a fellow a few years ago while participating in the USAC program in Donostia.

Zorionak to Fred and Danielle, to their families and friends!

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