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Basque dance and tributes for Women’s Day beginning the 2015 activities at the Lagun Onak in Pergamino


Five representatives from Lagun Onak honored at the Women’s Day event, surrounded by Basque club members (photoEE)
Five representatives from Lagun Onak honored at the Women’s Day event, surrounded by Basque club members (photoEE)


Basque dance classes began early this year in Pergamino, in February, with two clear goals: to get ready for 'Buenos Aires Celebrates' and 'Semana Nacional Vasca'.  In the meantime, the club has many commitments and so a group from the club attended the tribute that was carried out on the International Women’s Day. 

Pergamino, Argentina. As part of the International Women’s Day festivities, the city of Pergamino, in the province of Buenos Aires, put together the campaign “All Terrain Women.”  The campaign is focused on the political activity to fight against gender-based violence as well as a context to pay tribute to women who have had, and who have a fundamental role in society.   That is why the city paid tribute to women from various communities on March 6 at a ceremony that took place at the home of the former president, Dr. Arturo Illia.

In regards to the Basque community, those honored this year are: Dolly Bártoli de Arregui, Teresa Di Santo de Erbiti, María Inés Ferreira de Arregui, María Mercedes Lavandeira de Irizar and Elisa Sánchez de Artolazabal. They are not of Basque origin, but still represented the local Basque club, as they made theirs their husband's culture.  In the words of the organizers, “These women work tirelessly in different Basque fields, paying a contribution to the culture, and its dissemination in many ways, especially through one of the most notable, traditional Basque cooking,” as told us from the Basque club.

Basque Dances

Basque dance classes began early this year, and have had a great response.  According to the directors, “The invitation was very successful; it’s been years since the Lagun hasn’t had as many dancers.”  Without a doubt, this successful call is due to the dantzaris already preparing for the Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country, in May as well as for Semana Vasca that will take place in Macachin at the end of the year.

Currently, there are two groups at the club; both practice on Fridays at 6pm for beginners and at 7:30 for advanced, with Miguel Garcia Bernaus.  The club would also like to remind you that every second Friday, there is also a taberna at the clubhouse following practice. 

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