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Basque courses at South American Basque clubs and universities: Euskara Munduan guarantees more learning points


Poster to promote 2020 Euskera classes
Poster to promote 2020 Euskera classes


Buenos Aires, Argentina. Euskera was one of the first European languages to reach America, in the North of the continent, and “it stuck” among the languages that are spoken there, to the point of the creation of a pidgin with some Native American languages.  Since then, much time has passed, but today Euskera is still present in America with growing interest in learning it, and its use with classes at Basque clubs and university and supported by language policy programs by the Basque Government.

Previously, thanks to HABE and today coordinated through the Etxepare Basque Institute, the Euskara Munduan Program aims to train teachers above all for Basque clubs who have been unable to respond to the demand since they didn’t have their own local teachers.

The arrival of Euskera at many universities also needs to be added to this, as part of the Basque culture and language lectureships also sponsored by the Etxepare Institute.  Spaces are destined to the study of our language and culture in an academic context.

Here there is a list of Basque clubs and universities in South America that teach Euskera in 2020.  As on other occasions, this is not a definitive list, but those included have confirmed their dates and levels.  If your club doesn’t appear, please provide us the information in the comment box below.


--Gure Txokoa in Azul, classes will start the first week of March, with two groups: beginners on Tuesdays at 6pm and advanced on Wednesdays at the same time. More information here.
- Union Vasca in Bahía Blanca will begin its classes the week of March 17 with three groups. The beginners will meet on Mondays, the intermediate level on Wednesdays and advanced on Thursdays. Classes will be two hours, starting at 7pm. More information here.
-Euskaltzaleak in Buenos Aires will have ten groups this year, two of them beginners. Classes for beginner students will be Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Fridays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will begin in April. To consult the group schedules of levels A1, A2 and B1, write to
-Eusko Kultur Etxea-Eusketxe in Buenos Aires will have two beginner groups. One on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the other on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information about other options, here.
-Centro Vasco Francés-Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea in ​​Buenos Aires will offer a Workshop of Initiation to the Culture and the Basque Language on Fridays from 7pm to 9pm.
-Laurak Bat in Buenos Aires will have three groups.  Beginners, to which those with some prior knowledge are invited, Mondays from 18:30 to 20: 03hs. Level A2 also on Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The A1 level will be on Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:03 p.m. Classes begin on Monday, March 16.
-Gerora – College of Languages in Córdoba:
-Beginners, Monday from 5pm to 8pm
-Intermediate level, Tuesday from 5pm to 8pm
-Advanced level I, Wednesday from 5pm to 8pm
-Advanced level II, Thursday from 5pm to 8pm (held at Gerora headquarters)

Classes begin in April, at which time the opening of another beginners level will be resolved. For more information, write to

-Toki Eder in José C. Paz will offer the following options: Beginners level, Saturdays from 10 am to 12 noon and Wednesday from 3 pm to 5 pm; intermediate level, Saturdays from 13.30 to 16: 30hs; Advanced level: Thursday from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Classes start on March 7.
-Euzko Etxea in La Plata will have seven courses this year, two of them beginners. The groups that start from scratch will be on Tuesdays from 5pm to 7pm, and the Intensive Beginners, on Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm. Information about the other groups, here.
-The Basque and Culture Lecturer at the UNLP will offer five courses. The beginners will start the last week of March and will be Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. More information about the groups below, here
-Anaitasuna in Maipú will have Basque lessons for the first time, thus realizing a large ‘pending’. Those who are interested should contact the the club.
-The Denak Bat in Mendoza will start the course on March 10. Classes will be Tuesdays at 5pm. More information here..
-At the Euzko Etxea in Necochea the classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18 to 19: 30hs.
-The Chair of Basque Language and Culture at the University of Rosario will open an beginners course on Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm and another advanced course also on Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm.
-The Lagun Onak in Pergamino returns after many years to offer Basque classes. The course will be on Mondays at 7pm. Those who are interested can pre-register here.
-Askatasunaren Bidea in San Miguel will open an beginners level on Mondays from 3pm to 6pm and continue with the advanced group on Fridays also from 3pm to 6pm. Classes are in the Sarmiento People's Library. More information here
-The Euskal Etxea in San Nicolás will have its classes on Fridays; from 2pm to 5pm for the Beginnerss and from 5pm to 7pm for the advanced ones.
-At the Ongi Etorri in San Pedro the classes will be on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm. More information here
-Gure Etxea in Tandil will open new courses and continue with those of previous years. For more information see here.
-Hiru Erreka in Tres Arroyos confirmed its beginners course on Wednesdays from 8pm to 11pm. May possibly open another on Tuesdays.
-Aberri Etxea in Viedma will open courses for all ages and levels. Information here.
-Euzko Etxea in ​​Villa María will resume the second week of March with the 2nd and 3rd level groups. The beginners group is to be determined but the information will be updated here Euzko Etxea Villa Maria.


-Eusko Alkartasuna de Sao Paulo will each every two weeks on Saturdays from 2:30-tp.  More informaiton, here.


-The Santiago Eusko Etxea  has confirmed that there will be a beginner’s group.


-The Euskal Etxea in Lima Signed an agreement with the Fundación Bay&by  and in this way will teach classes through a self-teaching system with local teacher Xabi Gil as a tutor.


-Saltoko Euskaldunen Taldea will continue as always; once a month a teacher will travel from Montevideo to teach classes and during the month, students will meet on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7pm with advanced students to continue their learning.
-The Basque Language and Culture Lecturer at the University of the Republic will begin classes on March 9th.
In Uruguay classes began in February with a local tutor, an on-line course with students from Uruguay, as well as in Brazil, Peru and Valencia.  The face-to-face classes are now being organized.

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