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Basque club youth will be trained in club organizational aspects at Gaztemundu 2015


Gaztemundu 2015 participants yesterday in front of the Guggenheim Museoa in Bilbao along with Puppy (photo Martina
Gaztemundu 2015 participants yesterday in front of the Guggenheim Museoa in Bilbao along with Puppy (photo Martina


This morning the 2015 edition of Gaztemundu began in Vitoria-Gasteiz.  Every year, youth from various Basque clubs countries around the world participate in Euskadi in this activity where they are trained in various topics, while making their first contact often with the Basque Country where their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were born, and to which they continue to contribute even at a distance. 

Vitoria-Gasteiz.   The capital of Araba serves as a base for this new edition of Gaztemundu.  This year 15 youth are participating from Argentina (11), Uruguay (2), Mexico (1), and Colombia (1) in the activity organized by the Basque Government annually in hopes of facilitating youth training in club organization and management of entities as well as cultural activities, this year’s topics.  In other editions participants received training in culture, dance, and music while getting to know and participating in activities, festivals and typical get-togethers in the country, in an important experience in “Basque life” for many of the participants.

Teaching sessions began this morning in Gazteiz with some words of greeting by Asier Vallejo Itsaso, Director of the Basque Community Abroad, after which participants didn’t waste any time in getting started in their first class entitled, “Supply and Demand: Citizen Participation in Programming,” in this case in regards to the successful experience of Palteruena, the cultural establishment of Kafe Antzokia in Durango.  Throughout the week there will be various topics, taught by several experts on questions such as communication and social media, cultural and Basque cultural activity in the 21st century, cultural heritage, the participation of women in Basque culture, the linguistic community, linguistic ecology, and empowerment, leading Basque clubs from the gender perspective, character and Basque club goals, long-term goals and the importance of work and collective initiative, design, planning and project evaluation and empowering the new generations, among others.

Gaztemundu participants arrived in Euskadi late on Saturday and enjoyed Sunday when they were taken to Bilbao for a guided visit of the Guggenheim Museum, as well as the Museum of the Estuary in Bilbao.  Being so close, many participants couldn’t resist visiting San Mames soccer stadium, to finally return to Vitoria-Gasteiz.  Next week they will visit the factory and Museum Albaola on the Estuary of Pasaia, as well as participate on Sunday in Ibilaldia that will take place in Usurbil, Gipuzkoa.  At the end of Gaztemundu, the youth will join in the sessions of the 6th World Congress of Basque Collectivities that will take place in Vitoria-Gasteiz that will conclude on October 9. 

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