General Belgrano, Argentina. Just two months have passed since the last meeting where Gral Belgrano Gure Etxe Euskal Etxea members set specific goals for 2020. One of the main goals is to strengthen and increase the number of dantzaris in the recently created Gure Dantza dance group. The ideas were not left in words and on February 2nd the dantzaris were presented at the local Summer Festival “Peatonal 2020.”
When it was time to take the stage the txikis came out to dance with Edurne Altune, a young girl from Iparralde who until now has served as the dance and Euskera teacher at the club. Looking to the future, Barbara Perez Arrua will take over after been especially trained for the task.
[The “Gure Dantzak” performing Txulalai (videoEE)]
Gure Etxea won’t only strengthen their dances but will also make an exciting bet on the Basque language. Natalia Urcola, club representative recently attended the first Barnetegi of the Euskara Munduan Program in hopes of becoming the club's teacher soon. Zorionak!