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As part of Immigrant Day, the Kotoiaren Lurra Basque club participated in the events organized by the city


Dantzaris from the Kotoiaren Lurra Basque club in Resistencia in the Plaza February 2nd, celebrating the Immigrant’s Day
Dantzaris from the Kotoiaren Lurra Basque club in Resistencia in the Plaza February 2nd, celebrating the Immigrant’s Day


From September 2-8, 2014, the city of Resistencia, the capital of the Chaco province in Argentina, was the site of a series of commemorative events for Immigrant’s Day.  The local Basque club also participated in the festivities and provided a dance performance in the February 2 Plaza as a tribute to immigrants in the provincial legislature.  At the event, and representing the Basque community, the architect Juan Iturrioz was honored. 

Resistencia, Argentina.   As every year, throughout the country several activities took place on September 4th to celebrate another edition of Immigrant Day.  In the case of the capital of Chaco, and with the organization of the local government, the festivities ran from September 2-8, 2014,  with a large program of event that included tributes and outdoor shows, among other things.

It was the first event of the program on Thursday the 4th at the Provincial Legislature, by its Vice-President Luis Verdun, to honor immigrants and descendants of immigrants who contributed to the history of the province.  Representing the Basque community and proposed by the Basque club, the architect Juan Iturrioz was chosen to receive the distinction.  According to the club, “Iturrioz is a recognized professional in the field of architecture and the arts, as well as being a professor at the National University of the Northeast for many years.” As the representatives of fifteen other communities, Iturrioz received a diploma from Verdun in an event that was declared of Municipal Interest by the resolutions 2062/14 and 2071/14.

The festivities continued on Saturday September 6th at the February 2nd Park with a day organized by the Federation of Communities and the city.  On this occasion the culture of Euskal Herria was represented through dances, thanks to the Kotoiaren Lurra Basque club’s dance group that is also part of the Andrea Tamer Dance Academy.  In addition to dance performances, during the festival, other choir performances could also be enjoyed along with typical dishes. 

The Basque club also let us know that the Kukai Dance Company, also performed in the streets on September 4th in front of the Plaza May 25th.  After the applause and end of the show, the Basque dantzaris  from Errenteria, Gipuzkoagathered with members of the club to share a meal. 

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