Rosario, Argentina. Rosariotik Mundura (from Rosario to the World) is a project at the Chair of Basque Language and Culture at the National University of Rosario (UNR) thanks to an agreement signed in 2013 between the university and the local Zazpirak Bat Basque Club. Coordinated by teacher Nicolas Begoña Tisera, the magazine is available free of charge online, and provides a selection of articles on varied Basque themes, written by students at the Chair, pursuing their graduate degrees at the University.
The first issue of Rosariotik Mundura includes the following articles:
-"Los Vascos y la Caza de las Ballenas,” by Liliana Leiva
-"La Tipografía Vasca,” by Lidia Meras
-"Bilingüismo y Diglosia en Euskal Herria,” by Antonela Giglioni
-"Euskal Kultura: El Rock Radical Vasco cómo expresión política de los años 80,” by María Larraza
-"El País Vasco y el sentimiento de nación,” by Pilar Jaureguialzo
-"El Arte Rupestre Paleolítico en Euskal Herria: Altxerri, Ekain, Santimamiñe,” by Solange Albisturria
The introduction, as well as the editing and design were done by Ignacio Lardizabal, member of Zazpirak Bat’s board of directors and liaison between the club and the Chair.
The first issue of Rosariotik Mundura was published on December 3rd. Institutions that support the publication expressed their desire that it continues from year to year as part of the commemoration of International Euskera Day.