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Argentina (10), the US (3), Uruguay (1), Colombia (1): The Basque Government publishes the list of Gaztemundu 2019


Gaztemundu Resolution signed by the Basque Government’s Director of the Basque Community Abroad
Gaztemundu Resolution signed by the Basque Government’s Director of the Basque Community Abroad


Vitoria-Gasteiz. There are ten from Argentina, three from the US, and 1 from Uruguay and 1 from Colombia. The Official Bulletin of the Basque Country (BOPV-EHAA) published the list of the participants, alternates and those that were disqualified.  Since this year coincides with the celebration of the World Congress of Basque collectivities, participants will first attend the Gaztemundu program dedicated to managing cultural entities, and will then join the congress in Bilbao at the end.

Gaztemundu will begin on September 23 to conclude with the Congress October 4-6 where they will participate as individuals as well as provide conclusions and echoing proposals such as Gaztemundu.  The list of 15 participants follows:

-Agostini Zubillaga, Ainhoa Malen, Euzko Etxea, Necochea, Argentina
-Arando, Mercedes Lagunen Etxea Euskal Etxea, Laprida, Argentina
-Bengochea, María Jimena, Denak Bat Euskal Etxea, Cañuelas, Argentina
-Berezaga, María Cecilia, Basque Community of Concordia, Concordia, Argentina
-Bermensolo, Kylie, Basque Museum & Cultural Center, Boise, Idaho, USA
-Deniz, María Florencia, Euzko Etxea, Villa María, Argentina
-Fernández Sánchez, Alejandro Gure Mendietakoak Basque Culture Foundation, Caldas, Colombia
-Franzoia, Mateo, Zazpiak Bat Basque Club, Reno, Nevada, USA
-Gavica, Anna, Euzkaldunak, Boise Basque Center, Boise, Idaho, USA
-Hustu, Sebastián, Euskal Etxea, San Nicolás, Argentina
-Inthamoussu Fernández, Nahia, Haize Hegoa Euskal Etxea, Montevideo, Uruguay
-Leranoz, Alfonsina, Euskaltzaleak, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Olazábal, Inés, Gure Etxea Euskal Etxea, Tandil, Argentina
-Peralta, Carlos Gonzalo, Anaitasuna Euskal Etxea, Maipú, Argentina
-Vicente, Tomás, n Unión Vasca Euzko Alkartasuna Association, Macachín, Argentina

Applications that did not achieve the required number of points:

-Arístegui, Florencia, Hiru Erreka Euskal Etxea, Tres Arroyos, Argentina
-Chapartegui Etchepareborda, Jorgelina Belén, Zelaiko Euskal Etxea, Santa Rosa, Argentina
-De Aguirre, María Belén, Laurak Bat Euskal Etxea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Domench, Eliana Edith, Guillermo Larregui Euskal Etxea, Chacabuco, Argentina
-Etcheverry, Analuz, Eusko Aterpea Euskal Etxea, General Rodríguez, Argentina
-Galardi Eyherachar, Valentín Ignacio, Basque-Argentine Foundation Juan de Garay, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Galván Darrichón, Florencia, Urrundik Basque-Argentine Association, Paraná, Argentina
-Grasso, Eliana Stefanía, Urrundik Basque-Argentine Association, Paraná, Argentina
-Jornet, Estefanía, Euzko Etxea Euskal Etxea, Villa María, Argentina
-Laborde, Julieta, Zingirako Euskaldunak Euskal Etxea, Chascomús, Argentina
-Larrea, María Emilia de los Milagros, Anaitasuna Euskal Etxea, Maipú, Argentina
-Mancini, Pedro Elián,  Urrundik Basque-Argentine Association, Paraná, Argentina
-Martínez, Catalina, Zingirako Euskaldunak Euskal Etxea, Chascomús, Argentina
-Montiel, Ignacio, Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea-Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Paz, María José, Euskaldunak Denak Bat Euskal Etxea, Arrecifes, Argentina
-Quintela, Jesica, Laurak Bat Euskal Etxea, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Salvarredi, Florencia, Denak Bat Euskal Etxea, Mendoza, Argentina
-Salvarredi, Juan Agustín, Denak Bat Euskal Etxea, Mendoza, Argentina
-Santellán Arbol, Valentina, Gerora Euskal Elkartea, Córdoba, Argentina
-Taretto, Camila Maite, Eusko Aterpea Euskal Etxea, General Rodríguez, Argentina
-Villa Zabaleta, Laureano, Euskaldunak Denak Bat, Arrecifes, Argentina

Applications outside of required age limits

-Saldías, José Joaquín, Euzko Etxea Euskal Etxea, La Plata, Argentina


-Medina Goñi, Rocío Belén, Basque Union Mutual Aid Society, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
-Lardizabal Maccari, Ignacio Joaquín, Zazpiak Bat Euskal Etxea, Rosario, Argentina
-Irazusta, Amale, Basque Union Mutual Aid Society, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
-Guillaume, Gastón Eduardo, Euskaltzaleak, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zorionak to everyone who was chosen and best of luck to the rest of the applicants!

-Complete Gaztemundu information, in Basquein Spanish
-Resolution in the BOPV-EHAA, in Basquein Spanish

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