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Aitzol Lasa, mathematician from Navarre, wins a scholarship for writers in Nekatoenea


Aitzol Lasa, left, with organizers Aintzane Lasarte (IAEZI) and Pantxoa Etchegoin (EKE)
Aitzol Lasa, left, with organizers Aintzane Lasarte (IAEZI) and Pantxoa Etchegoin (EKE)


It is a literature scholarship, but this time, even though it seems a bit strange; it is being awarded to a scientist. Aitzol Lasa, Navarrese mathematician, captivated the judges with is ambitious proposal: combine math and literature and bring them both closer to youth. Thanks to the scholarship, Lasa will be at Nekatonea for a month, a renovated farm house near Hendaia, where he will devote himself to this project. The stay will take place from October 2-November 2, 2014.

Uztaritze, Lapurdi. Thanks to this literature scholarship program, now in its fourth year, Basque writers have the opportunity to enjoy a stay for a month at Nekatoenea near the castle of Abbadia in Hendaia. The scholarship is supported by Euskal Kultur Erakundea, Euskal Idazleen Elkartea and the Euskal Itsasbazterreko Ingurumen Aldeko Ekimen Zentro Iraunkorra (IAEZI).

For the first time ever this year’s scholarship is being awarded to a scientist, specifically to a mathematician, Aitzol Lasa (Barañain, Navarre. 1978) who is a math professor at the Public University of Navarre as well as teaching in high schools.  His project entails combining math and literature, in hopes of bringing this science to young people.

Lasa has published various articles on the topic, trying to make science more accessible and understandable for youth.  But he wants to take it further and started working on a novel in 2009.  In 2011, he won the Elhuyar prize in the scientific narrative category with his young adult novel Hodeietan.

With this scholarship, Lasa will carry out a second project that will consist of transmitting his work to young students in the area via various get-togethers.

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