Donostia-San Sebastián. Aberri Eguna or the Day of the Basque Homeland is one of the dates marked in red on the calendar of several Basque clubs; although in the Diaspora it is usually celebrated after Easter Sunday, its official date in Euskadi. This year, activities are scheduled through the month of April in some cases, even in May, always in hopes of expressing Basque membership.
Argentina boasts the largest number of events. Last weekend Aberri Eguna was celebrated in places like Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires (Laurak Bat), Bariloche, José C. Paz, Macachín…As well as in Basque clubs in Santiago and Viña del Mar, Chile and the Eusko Alkartasuna in San Paulo, Brazil and the Euskaro Basque Club in Montevideo, Uruguay.
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