basque heritage worldwide
Abadiño, Bizkaia. Thanks to an article by Iban Gorriti in the Mugalari blog by Henar Chico, A Basque in Boise, we found out about an initiative, a project that could be an inspiration for many Basque clubs in the Diaspora. It's worth a try at least. In this case, it was an idea of Maria, Basque teacher at the Boise Ikastola who is from Abadiño and Ander Cimas, director of a travel agency in the same town.
When Maria talked to Ander about the needs of the Ikastola, where children from the age of five play and learn Basque, he didn’t hesitate to get to work: “We like to talk about Basques in the Diaspora a lot, that there are Basque clubs in Argentina and the US, but when it’s time to help…” said Ander.
Additionally, he has a debt of thanks to the Basque Diaspora. “Several years ago I was in Quebec, in Trois Pistoles, learning French. I was taken in and treated very well by the Quebec Basque club and the Basque museum in Trois Pistoles, just because I was Basque,” he remembers.
Thirty Costumes
Anyone in the Basque Country wishing to donate a costume can bring it to the Bagoaz Bidaiak agency on Txinurrisolo Street, 6, behea in the Traña Matiena neighborhood of Abadiño. Anyone wishing to contact Ander Cimas, may do so via email at:
According to the Ikastola, they need some 30 Baserritarra costumes. “In almost every house in the Basque Country there is a Baserritarra costume and in some instances kept in a dresser without being used. My proposal is that those that are no longer useful, can be donated to the Boise Ikastola,” Maria told Mugalari. The teacher assures that they costumes will be used, “from generation to generation.” This is a great way to extend the life of these costumes while helping Basques in the Diaspora.
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