Bilbao, Bizkaia. Researcher, Pedro Oiarzabal, who has lived in the Diaspora as well as in Euskal Herria is collecting data on Basques in the world. If you are a young person from the Diaspora, he would like to know what your motives and reasoning is. Why to be Basque in the Diaspora? What do you get out of it? Why do you want to keep going your Basqueness thousand of miles from the Basque Country? Why do you think it makes sense? This is what Oiarzabal asked at the beginning of the year.
It is very important to him to know your response and learn your point of view. Why being so far from Euskal Herria do you feel connected to all things Basque, to the Basque culture and do you define yourself to a greater or lesser extent as Basque, and would you like, or have you already transmitted that legacy to your children?
Your responses, long or short, it doesn’t matter, would be appreciated before next Sunday. Please send them to
Mila esker handi bat, Thank you very much for your collaboration.