London, England. The London Basque Society Euskal Elkartea has announced a new dance course that will run for 9 weeks beginning on July 3rd. Enrollment is open to youth and adults and classes will take place every Wednesday at the clubhouse Oxford House, from 5:45pm-6:45pm. The schedule was set in regards to the availability of the hall. Prior experience is not required and all dantzaris, experienced and not experienced, are welcome.
Interested persons should write to to enroll in the class. Cost to participate is £15 that can be paid online: NatWest; Account number: 64177939; Sort code: 60-13-12.
London Basque Society - Euskal Elkartea
Oxford House - Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green
London E2 6HG, UK
Phone: 0207 739 7339
Skype: londonbasquesociety
Follow us @LdnBasque
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