
Sangre Vasca (Basque Blood) is the story of Juan Antonio Mendiola Burruchaga and Milagros Garcia Mendizabal from Bilbao, and their youngest daughter, Miren Edurne Mendiola Garcia, the author’s mother. Defined by some critics as a historical novella and by others as a chronicle, the text recounts the details of the arrival of the Mendiola Garcia family to America, after Juan Antonio died during ...

Today, Wednesday, September 8th the Day of the Basque Diaspora will be celebrated in its fourth edition all over the world. In regards to the institutional aspect, Lehendakari Urkullu will inaugurate an official event at 11am at the Sancho El Sabio Foundation in Vitoria-Gasteiz with the “Basques in California” exhibit that includes pieced from the Basque Museum in Boise. The event, ...

A new installment of the blog by Arantzazu Ametzaga on EuskalKultura.eus. She is a Navarrese writer and archivist born in Buenos Aires, raised in Montevideo and who raised a family in Caracas, always sheltered by the Basque environment of the Diaspora. Now she lives her retirement in Navarre writing and evoking those thousands of episodes in her life, in the history of ...

The book La hora vasca de Venezuela. La Administración del Gobierno de Euskadi y el exilio político vasco de Caracas (1939-1979), (The Basque Time in Venezuela. The Administration of the Government of Euskadi and the Basque Political Exile of Caracas (1939-1979)), by historians, Xabier Irujo Ametzaga and Alberto Irigoyen Artetxe, was published by IVAP-HAEE (The Basque Institute of Public ...

More than 50 people gathered in front of the oak in the Martin Rodriguez Plaza in the city of General Rodriguez to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the Eusko Aterpea Euskal Etxea. Among the participants were the president of FEVA, Arantxa Anitua; secretary Miren Arozarena; Laurak Bat’s president, Jose Gabriel Anitua, and the president, representatives and members of Eusko Aterpea as well as other local ...

This week we left August behind, and are already in September, which means a new school year in the Northern Hemisphere. The fight against the pandemic continues, although Basque clubs are becoming more optimistic and in person activities are taking place in more places, with variations depending on countries and regions. Let’s go little by little. As a sign of the farewell to August the ...

After the summer break, the Euskal Etxea in Bordeaux reopens its doors and begins its activity with film gastronomy, conferences and community presence at local events. Its Orestobask bar now has new people and a new menu. It is open Thursday-Sunday, and is always an excellent place to meet friends, colleagues and visitors. Last Thursday, September 2nd, the group Kantuz entertained at is ...

The health situation forced the Federation of Foreign Communities in Comodoro Rivadavia to cancel the traditional Festival of Collectivities for the second year in a row, at least in its traditional format of more than three decades. However, there will be some activities, on a smaller scale, sharing the same objective of showing the community the work carried out throughout the year by communities present in ...

There are barely six days until September 8th Euskal Diasporaren Eguna, or Basque Diaspora Day. If you already planned how to celebrate it in your Basque club, perfect! But please send the details to euskaletxeak@euskadi.eus in order to be included in a program of celebrations from around the world that the Basque Government will spread and share to highlight and publicize the ...

From Friday the 3rd, to Sunday the 5th in Rosario there will be a new edition of its traditional Night of Collectivities, with the participation of more than twenty foreign communities associations, including the Zazpirak Bat Basque club and the Navarrese Center in Rosario. Due the pandemic what used to be a massive event is not now in person. This year there are three ways to enjoy the ...