
For the eighth year in a row, the local “Hilario Olazaran Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea,” joined in the celebration organized by Antumapu, the professional folkloric ballet in Chile, on August 22nd to contribute typical music and dances from Euskal Herria on the International Folklore Day celebration. Due to protocols in place due to the pandemic, activities took place virtually with the Basque ...

The Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea in Buenos Aires or Centro Vasco Frances was founded in 1895 and it held its General Assembly on September 14th at its clubhouse. The situation caused by the pandemic strongly affected the club who have seen all of its cultural events cancelled since the beginning of the lock down.

This Monday, September 20th is the deadline for anyone wishing to attend, as presenters or audience members. The AEMI (Association of European Migration) will hold its 2021 meeting and conference on September 20-October 1 at the Miramar Palace in Donostia-San Sebastian, organized by the Basque Government's Directorate for the Basque Community Abroad.

Totally presential or if you prefer so online, the Laurak Bat Basque Club in Valencia is providing Basque classes for another year, beginning in October to run through June. You can check schedules for each group and level on its website that will be finalized when enrollment, levels, preferences and available of students and teachers are adjusted.

As part of its cultural dissemination and legacy of ancestors from Trujillo, Peru and other places and countries in their surrounding cities and town, the Trujilloko Euskal Etxea has organized an online gathering this Sunday, September 19th, for anyone whose last name is Goicoechea/Goikoetxea and its variants.

The Chascomus Zingirako Euskaldunak Basque Club could finally share the joy of its new space and expansion that will facilitate more recreational and gastronomical activities. The remodeling of the kitchen and hall, with a capacity of 100 guests, began a year ago, during the pandemic and was inaugurated on September 8th as part of the club’s Basque Diaspora Day festivities in conjunction with its ...

Due to the current health situation, the Basque Community of Chile Basque Club celebrated the second annual Basque Week virtually in July-August. The proposal carries with it the sadness of not being able to gather in person at the clubhouse where activities normally take place. This year’s event was a success since thanks to being virtual, some Basque clubs in Argentina, including dance groups, ...

A few months ago, the Navarrese Institute of Memory published the provisional census of Navarrese exiles, which gives an account of the Navarrese who, as a consequence of the military coup of 1936, had to go into exile. To remember them and pay tribute to them all, the Government of Navarre, will hold an event next Sunday September 19th in Elizondo, as part of the program “Navarrese Exile. Exile, ...

Twenty-five years ago today, September 16, 1996, marked the beginning of the first Gaztemundu Program organized by the Basque Government. That year 60 youth from the Diaspora participated coming from eight countries. The majority of them had never been in Euskal Herria before. Pedro Oiarzabal, was also part of the organization and took part in the experience that shocked him. This is how he ...

Representatives of the Basque Parliament’s Culture Commission led by its president Jasone Agirre Garitaonaindia, visited the Archive of the Basque Diaspora yesterday that continues to make progress and grow within the Basque Historical Archive. They were welcomed by Borja Aginagalde, head of the Archive, and Gorka Alvarez Aranburu Director of the Basque Community Abroad, while Anabell V. Rodriguez ...