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Villa Maria, Argentina. Basque clubs carry out intense programs of activities, all year long, in hopes of satisfying the interests and the concerns of the members of the Diaspora. In some way, the Semana Nacional Vasca in Argentina has become the place to show and share the results of this work as part of an intense program whose main activities are held between Friday and Sunday. During the weekend, those present were able to participate in the meetings of FEVA and libraries, talks and exhibits on Basque themes, activities for the dissemination of Basque, concerts, the dance gala, and of course the romerias. As a complement to our newsletter, we are providing a taste of the activities that took place on Friday and Saturday morning.
[The first regional meeting of Latin American Basque clubs took place on Friday with Basque government representatives, Marian Elorza, Sara Pagola and Asier Vallejo as well as the President of FEVA, Ricardo Basterra. Representatives from Uruguay, Peru, Chile, El Salvador, Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina attended (photo]
[On Friday afternoon, at the University of Villa Maria, there was a talk entitled “Nations without States.” To begin Cesar Arrondo, Javier Mor Roig, and Pedro Mauregui Larranda, members of the Nations without States Observatory at the National Univeristy of La Plata explained what their project was about. Following Javier Mor Roig and Cesar Arrondo referred to the Catalan and Basque cases respectively (]
[At the end the talk, Andoni Ortuzar, President of the EAJ-PNV Euzkadi Buru Batzar (The Executive Commission of the Basque Nationalist Party) took the floor. During his talk, Ortuzar highlighted the role of the Diaspora emphasizing the importance of incorporating the idea of the Eighth Province (]
[Then it was the Errekatarrak Choir’s turn from San Nicolas who opened the choir meeting with a version of Aldapeko. The group, directed by Jorge Mena, also sang Ikusi mendizaleak, Bajo la rambla and Solo el amor (]
[The host club’s choir also took the stage. Thanks to its director, Lorena Marin, the members of the Villa Maria choir performed a bilingual repertoire that featured Maitia non zira, Txoria txori, Boga Boga and Jaiki jaiki. The two choirs joined together with the audience to sing Agur Jauna to end the event (]
[It was up to Maral to open the evening show, just before dinner. To show how the local artists interpret the sounds of Euskal Herria, the group also invited Noe Fernandez, from the Baietz group from Cordoba to perform as well (]
[Gozategi also played some classic songs at Friday night’s dance with Nirekin, Nor Nori Nork and other instrumentals that made it impossible for anyone to stay still (]
[As every year, Saturday’s program started with the FEVA meeting. Representatives from the following clubs were present: Denak Bat (Cañuelas), Zazpirak Bat (Gral. Las Heras), Euskaltzaleak (Buenos Aires), Gerora (Córdoba), Gure Txokoa (Azul), Urrundik (Paraná), Etorritakoengatik (Puerto Madryn), Hiru Erreka (Tres Arroyos), Eusko Biltzar (Cnel. Pringles), Gure Etxea (Tandil), Itxaropen (Saladillo), Euzkal Etxea, (San Nicolás), Laurak Bat (Buenos Aires), Unión Vasca (Bahía Blanca), Denak Bat (Mar del Plata), Loretako Euskaldunak (Las Flores), Gure Etxe Maitea (Olavarria), Toki Eder (José C. Paz), Gure Txokoa (Córdoba), Eusko Kultur Etxea (Buenos Aires), Zazpirak Bat (Rosario), Euzko Etxea (Villa María), Denak Bat (Mendoza), Guillermo Larregui (Chacabuco), Euskaldunak Denak Bat (Arrecifes), Centro Vasco Quilmes (Quilmes), Anaitasuna (Maipú), Euskal Bihotza (Roldán), Beti Aurrera (Chivilcoy), Emakume Abertzale Batza (Rosario), Lagunen Etxea (Laprida), Eusko Alkartasuna (Macachín), Euskal Sustraiak (Trenque Lauquen), Zingirako Euskaldunak (Chascomús), Centro Vasco Francés-Iparraldeko Euskal Etxea (Buenos Aires), Asociación Gastronómica Vasca Goierri (La Plata), Euzko Etxea (La Plata). Presiding the meeting, Marta Abarrategui, FEVA secretary, Ricardo Basterra, president, and Hugo Andiazábal, treasurer (]
[After the FEVA meeting, the Basque Government’s General Secretary of Foreign Action, Marian Elorza, explained the main points of Lehendakari Urkullu’s policy regarding those abroad. After the presentation the Basque Government representatives answered questions from the audience (]
[Before the meeting ended, Andoni Ortuzar, presented Ikurriñas to representatives of clubs from Tandil, Villa Mercedes and Roldan. We should remind you that the club Euskal Bihotza in Roldan is in process sponsored by the Zazpirak Bat club in Rosario (]
[To conclude Friday morning’s activities, Marian Elorza and Sara Pagola, accompanied by the president of the hosting club, Ismael Martinez, inaugurated a bronze version of Picasso’s Guernica (]
[The work was done by local artist, Omar E. Alves, and will now adorn the Basque club’s entrance in Villa Maria ((]
[More tomorrow]
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