basque heritage worldwide
Our English-language edition editor here at About Basque Country spent a few days this past summer in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. He’s written a bit of a travelogue of his visit for our readers, bringing us a taste of his stay, which coincided with the Basque Festival that has been held there for almost 40 years. We’ve written about these islands on numerous occasions. They’re part of the European Union, just a few miles off the coast of Canada. As John reminds us, their first sporting club, by the name of “Zazpiak Bat” opened in 1902. Another interest example of the strength of the Basque roots in this corner of North America, which we found in 2017 when their Eusko Etxea was included in the Basque Government’s registry. It’s a great place to visit, as John Bopp points out in his text and photos. A little corner of the Basque Country on the other side of the Atlantic.
También hubo voces discordantes, y éramos conscientes e informados de las plataformas ultra conservadoras que criticaban este Sínodo, pero, dentro lo que destacaba sobre manera era la sintonía” “Sin la labor que hacen las mujeres, tanto indígenas, colonas, mestizas, las religiosas, … la Iglesia no avanzaría, se habría estancado”
From the first hunk of bread in the morning to the last sip of wine at night, a day in the Basque Country is an opportunity to feast on the region's natural bounty prepared by its passionate cooks. One of the Basques' most famous chefs, Elena Arzak, provides a taste of the area's best gastronomic eateries.
Specializing in Basque-American style food, Arbillaga Catering Co. earned this year’s Gold Award for Catering.
Sentsibilizatzeko balio izan dio Arrate Fernandez Itxaso andoaindarrari udan Bolivian bizi izandako esperientziak. Sentsibilizatzeko eta..., asko ikasteko. Hunkituta eta ase-beteta itzuli da bertatik eta Aiurriko irakurleekin elkarbanatu nahi izan du hainbat bizipen.
There's a Western saloon vibe to Bar Ricardo, a feeling that you should have to push though double doors to get inside, to hear the creak of rusty hinges, to watch as a guy playing piano freezes and everyone in the bar turns around to stare. Because everyone at Bar Ricardo is turning around to stare.
Concert pianists, swimmers and tennis players share a common trait: mental mettle. On a stage, in a pool or on a court, mental toughness is indispensable for confidence, concentration and consistency. It’s important for performing under pressure, for winning despite initial setbacks.
Euskaraz mintzatu eta ulertzeko gaitasun mugatua dutenen eta ongi dakitenen artean euskaraz aritzeko eredu bat landu dute Soziolinguistika Klusterrak eta EHUk. Horrelakoetan erdaraz aritu ohi dira euskaldunak, eta hori irauli nahi dute. Datu soziolinguistikoak aztertuta, funtsezko eginkizuna da.
If you’ve lived in Nevada for any amount of time, you’re probably aware of the impact that Basque culture has had on our state. In fact, the Silver State is one of the few places in the country where you can find authentic and delicious Basque cuisine. There are plenty of historic Basque restaurants in our state to choose from, but one of the most beloved is the Santa Fe Hotel. This restaurant is a staple in Reno, and it’s recent return after a brief closure has made us even more fond of it. If you have yet to dine at this historic spot, you’ll want to plan a family outing ASAP to do so.
Gogoetaren lehen partean mugikortasunaren arazoa aztertua izan da ibiltzearen ikuspondutik. Bigarren zati honetan mugikortasunaren izenean eguneroko bizian inposatzen diren bizimoldeak aztertuak dira. Zein den lasterka horren zentzua, galdatuz.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170