basque heritage worldwide
Geroa Bairen foru presidentegaiaren iritziz, koalizio gobernua ez da aukera bakarra, eta gutxiengoan oinarrituriko gobernua irtenbide egokia izan daiteke. Uxue Barkosen irudikoz, oso zaila da aurreikustea zer gertatuko den igandeko hauteskundeetan. Panorama oso irekita ikusten du, eta bozketen ondotik ere oso irekita egon daitekeela dio. Hori horrela, Barkosen aburuz, aldaketa nahi dutenak "azkarrak eta eskuzabalak" izan beharko dira.
Arizona State junior golfer Jon Rahm was named the recipient of the 2015 Ben Hogan Award Monday night. It's the most prestigious award in men's college golf. Rahm, the No. 1 player in the World Amateur Golf Ranking and No. 2 in the Golfweek/Sagarin College Rankings, is the first Sun Devil to receive the award since its inception in 1990.
In the spring of 1937, following the bombing of Durango and Gernika and with Franco’s troops on the brink of entering Bilbao and thereby defeating Basque resistance to the military uprising, the children were evacuated to the UK for their own safety. They were shipped aboard the SS Habana, which sailed from Bilbao on Friday, May 21, dropping anchor the following evening at Fawley, at the entrance to Southampton Water. On the morning of Sunday, May 23, the ship docked at Southampton, and the children were initially accommodated in a large camp at North Stoneham, Eastleigh. Later, they were dispersed to numerous “colonies” throughout the country.
El director del Grupo SPRI, Alexander Arriola, ha encabezado la visita a ese país, que ha sido una continuación del viaje que, en octubre pasado, realizó el lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu y la consejera Arantza Tapia, en la se analizaron las oportunidades negocio con las reformas del Gobierno mexicano, en particular la referida a la reforma energética.
Errioxa sor-markak ez du onartu botiletan Arabako Errioxa letra handiz jartzea. Arabako ardogile gehienek zigilu bereizgarri bat nahi dute, erosleak kalitateaz berehala jabetzeko. Sor-marka propio bat sortzeko aukera ere eztabaidagai dago. Funtsean, bi ardogintza eredu daude aurrez aurre.
Azia elkartea, xiberotar gazteer beren lurraldearen ezagutzeko eta lurraldearen geroari buruz gogoetazeko lanetan ari da. Azia elkartean buru belarri ari den Joana Hoqui-ri beren azken proiektua den « Xiberoan lan eta bizi » proiektuaren haritik hainbat galdera luzatu dizkio.
The grounds of St. Patrick’s Seminary & University boast row upon row of broccoli, Swiss chard, kale, and strawberries this spring, products of a new parish Catholic workers cooperative created in a venture among the seminary, Guadalupe Associates, and the parish of St. Francis of Assisi, East Palo Alto. “I was actually surprised we yielded so much the first year,” said Sulpician Father Gladstone Stevens, rector of the seminary who, along with San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, approved the use of seminary grounds to grow the crops as part of NanoFarms USA’s pilot project. The website is
Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo is a different kind of researcher. He doesn’t care about publishing; he cares about discovering. He’s not afraid of failing, he says, because he knows that without failure there can be no success. Last year, Óscar Férnandez-Capetillo was the only Spaniard listed in Cell magazine’s "40 Under 40" list, which includes the top 40 researchers in the world who are younger than 40.
Entzun nahi al duzu euskal pilotari Rio de la Plata eskualdean eskainitako egiazko kantu herrikoi eta jeritarra? "La milonga del pelotari" opari bat da, ·El Canoero" izengoitiaz ezaguna den kantari eta pilotariak sortu eta kantatua. El Canoerok 2011etik kantatzen du Alejandro Fantinoren 'Animanles sueltos' saioan, America TVn eta gidari izana da Canal 9ko "Alam gauha" saioan. Egilea, arrantza-gidaria da Victoria herrian, Argentinako Entre Rios probintzian. Ororen buru, baina, bere pasioa, pilotan aritzea da.
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