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Exitosa tercera conferencia sobre Historia y Cultura Vasca en la Biblioteca Goyena de Quilmes, Argentina (from Perspectiva Sur)


Se realizó con extraordinario éxito el viernes 29 la 3ª conferencia sobre Historia y Cultura Vasca en la Biblioteca Goyena, ciclo que ya transcurre su segundo año consecutivo en dicha institución, organizado y coordinado por el profesor Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray. En esta oportunidad, el disertante fue el profesor Ariel Ghizzardi, poseedor de amplios conocimientos sobre la navegación y su historia, acotados en esta exposición a la evolución, desarrollo, trascendencia y hegemonía que Euskal Herría, el País Vasco, aportó en cuanto a los emprendimientos navales, al mundo occidental. 


The Basque Country is made up of seven provinces: The French side of the Basque Country (from New York Times)


At the end of October, summer had returned to the Basque Country. Swimmers joined the surfers along the coast. A strong sun turned the Atlantic Ocean from green to blue. On a late Sunday morning, in the French fishing village of Ciboure, townspeople poured out of L’Église St.-Vincent, a 16th-century church with an octagonal tower. Some stopped to chat by a tall gray cross speckled with lichen. 


Susana Etchegoyen, mediku argentinarra Euskal Herrian: «Espainia orain arte babestuta egon da salaketen aurrean» (from Berria)


Mediku argentinarrari oso larria begitantzen zaio Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionaleko medikuen jarrera torturen inguruan; haren ustez, horrela jokatzen duen profesionalak mediku izateko zilegitasuna galtzen du. Abizenak salatzen du Susana Beatriz Etchegoyenen euskal jatorria (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1956). Unibertsitate irakaslea izateaz gain, klinikaria eta farmakologoa ere bada Etchegoyen, eta Buenos Airesko Posadas ospitalean lan egiten du, botiken arloko arduradun.


Since July 2014 the Basque Government leads the External Cooperation Working Group of the CPMR (from


2015 is the “European Year for Development”, marks the end of the Millenium Development Goals and offers an exceptional opportunity to agree on a new development agenda for the next 15 years. In this context, the Regional and Local authorities met in the Committee of the Regions on 1-2 June 2015 for the 4th edition of the Assises of Decentralised Cooperation.


Athletic Club Bilbao and Tijuana Xolos: The Basque Soccer Friendly has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 18 at 7 p.m. (from


 The Basque Soccer Friendly has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 18 at 7 p.m. The game previously scheduled for July 29 had to be changed after Athletic Club Bilbao's loss to FC Barcelona in the Copa del Rey on Saturday. The 3-1 loss moves the game against Club Tijuana at Albertsons Stadium to July 18, according to Basque Soccer Friendly officials.


Llegado del País Vasco, el padre Pascual Barturen ofrecerá un concierto de órgano en la Catedral posadeña (from MisionesOnLine)


El Centro Vasco Misiones “Euskal Jatorri” invita a la comunidad posadeña a participar del concierto de órgano a cargo del vizcaíno Pedro Pascual Barturen Uriarte. El evento se realizará este jueves desde las 21 horas, la entrada es gratuita. El padre Pedro Pascual Barturen Uriarte llegó a Argentina en mayo, con el anhelo de recorrer distintas ciudades del interior del país y contribuir a la difusión de “la cultura de Euskal Herria” brindando una serie de recitales en los que predominará la música de compositores vascos románticos.


Red Bay, a fishing village on the coast of Labrador, a corner of Canada that is forever Basque (from


The clues are there for anyone to see – the piles of red rubble on the beaches, the big bones scattered along one section of shoreline – but nobody in the Canadian fishing village of Red Bay had thought to put them together. “As kids we’d find these little pebbles on the beach, what we thought were pebbles,” Alice Moores, a local woman, told me. “We’d use them like chalk, to draw on the rocks.”


From July 28 to Aug. 2 is Jaialdi time in Boise, Idaho, This big Basque party reveals the heart and soul of a culture (from Idaho Statesman)


It’s Jaialdi! If you’re not sure what that means, then hang on to your red beret. Every five years, thousands of Basques and Basque Americans — and nearly as many non-Basques — descend on Boise to celebrate Basque culture with dancing, food, sport competition and language. It is one of the liveliest and largest parties the city sees, all thrown Basque-style.


Where to find the best pintxos (mini tapas) in San Sebastian: from Michelin restaurants to local bars (from High 50 Food)


The ultimate foodie playground is not a title to bestow lightly on a city. Yet San Sebastian more than lives up to this greedy claim. What’s more, it is refreshingly inexpensive to eat here, especially if you balance pintxos (mini tapas) crawls with a couple of splurges at its internationally acclaimed Michelin star restaurants. The city is host to several Michelin star restaurants, our favourites being Arzak Restaurant (three Michelin stars) and Mugaritz (two Michelin stars) just outside the city in a beautiful oak-tree dotted valley. But some of the best dining can be found at the local pintxos restaurants, you just need to know where to look!


Bilbao será en 2016 sede principal de la VIII Conferencia Europea de Ciudades y Pueblos Sostenibles (from El Correo)


Euskadi será la sede de la 8ª Conferencia Europea de Ciudades y Pueblos Sostenibles, que reunirá a más de 800 representantes de gobiernos locales europeos en Bilbao del 27 al 29 de abril de 2016, ha informado hoy el Gobierno vasco. La cita tendrá como sede principal a Bilbao e incluirá, dentro de su programa, encuentros paralelos en otras ciudades vascas como San Sebastián y Vitoria. El Gobierno vasco, en colaboración con el resto de instituciones vascas, organizará este encuentro europeo.







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