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Beyond the Friendly, Two Idaho Immigration Stories: Basques and Mexicans cheer 'home teams' in Bronco Stadium (The Blue View)


The July 18 Basque Soccer Friendly between Athletic Bilbao and Club Tijuana in Boise was an imagined thing, drawn up years ago on a cocktail napkin by a few people — including prominent members of Boise’s Basque community — over drinks, stuck in a pocket and forgotten, resurrected and revised, and finally brought to life by hundreds of meetings and phone calls and visions of world class football in Idaho.


Athletic de Bilbao sticks to its Basque-only policy: An Idaho Statesman article by Michael Lycklama (from A Basque in Boise)


The history of professional soccer teams developing players mirrors its American counterparts. Both originally developed their own players within the organization to fit their system. Today, highly-paid players from Spain play in the English Premier League, French players suit up in German Bundesliga and Latin American players are scattered throughout top European leagues. But one club has resisted globalization.


Family tradition, Urza newest writer in Laxalt family: Gabriel Urza and "All That Followed" (from Reno Gazette-Journal)


First, there were the stories. Kidnappings, murders and other political violence in the Basque country of northern Spain where Gabriel Urza attended school. Then there was a decision to pursue a Master of Fine Arts degree in writing, after first earning a law degree and serving as a public defender in Reno.


The land of the Basque people, split between Spain and France: Basque Country, Europe's premium blend (from The Chicago Tribune)


The land of the Basque people, split between Spain and France, is a "nation without a state" -- left off the map when they drew Europe's national borders. Basque Country is often left out of travel itineraries too, and that's a mistake. With sunny beaches, spectacular modern architecture, tasty tapas, and feisty, free-spirited people, this region is filled with cultural treats.


El papel fundamental de la diáspora en la construcción de la nación vasca (from About the Basque Country)


El 14 de julio de 1907 se realizó en Sukarrieta al primer gran acto de homenaje en memoria de Sabino Arana, padre del nacionalismo vasco, que había fallecido en 1903. La fecha coincidía con la conmemoración de la primera izada de la Ikurriña, el 14 de julio de 1894, el el balcón de la sociedad “Euskeldun Batzokija“, en el número 22 de la calle Correo de Bilbao, durante su inauguración.


35 urte bete dira Martin Zabaletak Everesten tontorra zapaldu zuenetik: elkarrizketa Zabaleta, Uriarte eta Errori (Berrian)


Martin Zabaletak zapaldu zuen tontorra, baina hirurak izan ziren 1980an Everesteraino igo zen euskal espedizioko kide. Geroztik, mila zidor, ertz eta tontor pasatu dituzte, kontinente guztietan. Mendizale nekaezinak eta mendi gidariak. Patuak elkartu ditu, berriro, solasaldi lasai batean.


Jose Manuel Etxeita, un euskaldun por el mundo: Euskaltzaindia le rinde hoy homenaje en su Mundaka natal (from Deia)


Jose Manuel Etxeita y Luzarraga nació en Mundaka en 1842, sin embargo, su vida está unida a Durangaldea puesto que aunque su madre era de este municipio su padre, Markos Etxeita, era del caserío Solabizkar de Garai. Este es un dato importante a la hora de conocer al escritor, ya que en su libro Jayoterri maitia, escrito en 1910, hace mención al caserío y en él se pueden identificar a personas que realmente vivieron en aquella época y que pertenecían a la familia Etxeita. Se trata de una obra costumbrista aunque incorpora elementos de la novela de folletín y de aventuras.


La tenista vasco-venezolana Garbiñe Muguruza se califica para disputar la final del torneo de Winbledon (from Naiz)


Garbiñe Muguruza, vigésima en el ranking WTA, ha logrado este jueves su billete para la final del torneo de Wimbledon, después de imponerse a la polaca Agnieszka Radwanska por 6-2, 3-6 y 6-3. Muguruza, de 21 años, ha doblegado a la cabeza de serie número trece en 1 hora y 55 minutos y disputará su primera final de Grand Slam.


After a 35 hours trip from Sydney to San Sebastian: From the obscene living files: The Basque Masters (from Surfing Life)


For neurotics like myself, long flights are only doable with a perfect mix of sleep deprivation and drugs. For this 35-hour haul from Sydney to the Basque Country I chose a potent combination. And as they often do, the Feds stopped me at the airport the following morning. Something I've taken to mean either I've been put on a Persons of Interest watch list, or am suffering from the same conspicuous Freak-complex that landed Robbie Paige in a Japanese prison for 30 days.


Elko residents and visitors alike gathered at the Friday kick off the 52nd annual Elko National Basque Festival.(from Elko Daily)


Elko residents and visitors alike gathered at the Friday kick off the 52nd annual Elko National Basque Festival. “The kickoff party is basically a sneak preview of what the rest of the week will be like,” said Basque Club Secretary Cassandra Stahlke. “We have dancing, sports contests, food, drinks, music and lots of other events.” Stahlke said the Elko Euzkaldunak Club has lost several elder members, and the younger board’s goal is to keep the old traditions alive.







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