basque heritage worldwide
To be greeted by jewelry designer Izaskun Zabala is to experience warmth and openness. She greets you with a bright smile and a friendly hug, welcomes you into the two floor apartment unit she shares with a housemate on the border of Clinton Hill and Bed-Stuy, and openly shares about her jewelry designs and how she and her company has grown since she launched her eponymous company just two short years ago. A native of Spain’s Basque country, Izaskun (pronounced e-THAS-cun) has seen her jewelry sold in stores and boutiques across the country, including Myrtle Avenue’s Jill Lindsey.
En instalaciones del Centro Vasco "Lagunen Etxea", hoy, mañana y el domingo desde las 20 se realizará una muy interesante muestra de numismática de monedas y billetes nacionales, que será presentada por el coleccionista local Tomás Barrena.
19 urteko bilbotarra herrialdez herrialde eraman du zientziak. Orain San Frantziskon, Silicon Valleyn, dago Gabonak arte, Mondragon Unibertsitatean ikasten ari den LEINN graduko bidaia batean. Lana eta bizimodua partekatzen dute 11 taldekideek.
Shazia’Ayn Babul’s pastel drawing uses Picasso’s recognizable cubist forms and borrows some of the figures from his painting.
Our "Translator Relay" series features a new interview each month. This month's translator will choose the next interviewee, adding a different, sixth question. For November's installment, Jason Grunebaum passed the baton to Amaia Gabantxo, a writer, flamenco singer, and literary translator specializing in Basque literature. She has translated works by every canonical Basque author, and published and performed on both sides of the Atlantic. At present, she is developing two hybrid literary/musical/performance art projects in Chicago:Palo a Palo, which combines flamenco and Butoh, and Soniché, which fuses flamenco with classical music.
1965a da. Eraikuntza enpresa baten bazter batean bildu dira Gerediaga Elkarteko kideak. Batzarlekuan bi aulki besterik ez, eta adreilu batzuk pilatuz eta ohol bat jarriz atondu dute denentzako jarlekua. Listo. Eta bota du ideia orduan Leopoldo Zugazak: disko eta liburu azoka bat. Zalantzak hasieran, eta irmo Zugaza berean. «Ez bazaizue interesatzen, neuk bakarrik egingo dut».
Richard Moore introduces the region and the riders from a small pocket of northern Spain that is synonymous with world class cycling. Along with Flanders and Brittany it is one of the sport’s talent hotbeds, producing an extraordinary number of top riders – especially exciting climbers – as well as the most passionate fans.
eLiburutegiak 9.268 liburu digitaleko katalogoa osatu du 12 hilabetean (8.596 gaztelaniaz eta 582 euskaraz), eta 7.338 lagunek erabili dute dagoeneko. 2014ko azaroaren 26tik, ireki zutenetik, 12 hilabeteko ibilbidea egin ondoren, Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitalak, eLiburutegiak, 27.438 liburu digital eman ditu maileguan Euskadiko Irakurketa Publikoko Sareko bazkideen artean,
Más de ochenta personas han participado este domingo en la iniciativa 'Bizilagunak', un encuentro entre familias vascas y extranjeras en torno a una mesa, con el fin de buscar el acercamiento con los vecinos naturales de Zumaia y los que han llegado de otros países.
Pierre Oteiza est une figure régionale comme on les aime. Indissociable de la Vallée des Aldudesqui l'a vu naître. Il a contribué à son développement économique en sauvant le porc basque de l'extinction et en créant son entreprise qui exporte aux 4 coins du globe.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170