basque heritage worldwide
My first trip to the Basque Country, an ethnic nation straddling northwest Spain and southwest France, was not academic in nature; I was there with my partner David to spend two weeks bicycling through the Pyrenees Mountains along the Bay of Biscay. However, since you can never take the anthropologist out of the anthropologist, and since the Basque region is famous for its outstanding culinary scene, and since we needed small bites to keep us pedaling up those mountain passes my obsession with pintxoak began
One of Israel’s attractions is its closeness to Europe. Cyprus is 30 minutes by air, Greece less than two hours, and every other country no more than a domestic flight within the US. In recent years, we’ve chosen places that tweak our cultural and historical interests. My own views of historic cities are set against Jerusalem, and in seeing how other places take advantage of their histories or physical characteristics, and cope with whatever social issues are prominent. Every city has a history. Few are in Jerusalem’s league, but many emphaize something to make them attractive. Fall River hasn’t much more than Lizzie Borden, but the ditty and opera make her story and house into something.
Anyone who’s competed in a three-legged race will feel at home at the2016 Smithsonian Folklife Festival. “It will look a lot like a field day,” says Mary Linn, one of the festival curators. That’s because one of this year’s themes is “Basque: Innovation by Culture,” and sports are a big part of Basque communities, Linn says. (The other theme is “Sounds of California“)
Datorren ekainaren 29an hasiko da Washingtonen Smithsonian Folklife Festival, aurtengoan euskal kultura ardatz izango duen jaialdi handia. Bi astez munduko ondare kultural biziak erakusten ditu Smithsonian jaialdiak, hain zuzen ere Etxe Zuriaren aurrean duen egoitzan eta inguruko kaleetan. Euskal Kultura izango du ardatz aurtengo jaialdiak eta euskal dantzaren inguruko hainbat ekitaldi ikus daitezke egitarauan.
Ekainaren 13tik Mexiko D.F.n dauden 13 euskal enpresen bisita gaur amaituko da. Bidaian zehar, distribuzio sare, ardotegi eta bestelako enpresetako ordezkari eta intereseko pertsonekin bildu dira. Euskaldunak eta mexikarrak topaketa bi aldeentzat oso probetxugarria izaten ari dela ados daude.
Radio Euskadiren lau garaiak jasotzen dituen liburua idatzi du Arrietak: 'La Historia de Radio Euskadi. Guerra, resistencia, exilio, democracia'. Irratiaren historian parte hartu duten pertsonak omendu ditu lanean.
Nació en Derio, se formó como futbolista en la cantera del Athletic de Bilbao, su padre es entrenador, al menos uno de sus tíos ha jugado de forma profesional y también se ha sentado en un banquillo. Además, su abuelo materno era tío del famoso jugador del Athletic Koldo Aguirre y entre sus antepasados se encuentra Juan Urquizu, exjugador y exentrenador del Athletic, que conquistó una Liga y 3 Copas en el banquillo de San Mamés. Con esos antecedentes, a Gaizka Garitano Aguirre (Derio, 1975) el destino le tenía reservado un lugar sobre el césped, primero, y en el banquillo, después.
In 2007, the French industrial designer Jean Louis Iratzoki opened a remote studio in a wood cabin in the foothills of the Pyrenees. His minimalist “refuge” has recently become an unlikely creative epicenter for industrial production on both the French and Spanish sides of the Pays Basque.
Black Twig Cider House owner and Basque enthusiast Mattie Beason gears up for the ninth annual Txakolifest.
Though it’s a cuisine and culture I’ve grown up with my entire life, I can’t help but notice how the Basque Country is rising in prominence as a foodie haven. Suddenly, its cuisine and flavors are in style. Basque food is popping up everywhere – from local grocery stores to big name restaurants.
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