basque heritage worldwide
Egia da. Bazitekeen filma euskaraz ez izatea. Beren editoreekin eta ekoizleekin zer harreman zuten galdetu zien Jon Garaño zinemagileari eta Katixa Agirre idazleari Maite Bidarte kazetariak orain astebete Durangoko Azokan izandako solasaldian, eta zintzotasunez aitortu zuen Garañok Jose Mari Goenagarekin batera zuzendutako 80 Egunean euskaraz egin bazuen, neurri handi batean, filma euskaraz egiteko zeuden diru laguntzak handiagoak zirelako egin zuela. Praktikotasunagatik, alegia.
POVERTY Bay’s version of “The Terminator” is off to Spain. But the good news for Bay and High School Old Boys supporters is that Siosiua Moala, the Bay’s Heartland Player of the Year for the past two seasons, will be back for the 2018 season. The 27-year powerhouse No.8 has signed a one-season professional contract with the AMPO Ordizia club, who play in the top division of the Spanish competition — División de Honor.
'Teem Players' pone en contacto a gente que quiere echar un partido de fútbol o de pádel
Not-so-secret Basque business. Knock on the green wooden door and wait. It’ll slowly swing open with a creak, granting you entry into Gure Txoko Basque Club. Gure Txoko, which means “our corner” in Basque, began as a male-only social club in 1966. These days everyone is welcome to join their Sunday lunch, a three-course meal prepared by member volunteers that costs just $25. Bargain. And the grog is cheap too, with glasses of wine at $4, beer for $5 and bottles of wine starting at $15.
La consultora CB Insights evalúa a más de 2.000 empresas que trabajan en este campo. La española desarrolla una tecnología de asistente personal virtual
La chef colombiana Leonor Espinosa fue elegida ganadora del Basque Culinary World Prize 2017 de entre diez finalistas, por un jurado presidido por Joan Roca, de El Celler de Can Roca (España) y conformado por algunos de los chefs más influyentes del mundo, como Gastón Acurio (Perú), Michel Bras (Francia), Dominique Crenn (USA), Yoshihiro Narisawa (Japón) y Enrique Olvera (México) y por expertos como Laura Esquivel, autora del best-seller 'Como agua para chocolate'; el escritor vasco Kirmen Uribe, Cristina Franchini, experta en derecho internacional, el sociólogo rural Matthew Goldfarb y María Fernanda di Giacobbe, ganadora del Basque Culinary World Prize 2016.
"I found something that was more meaningful," said founder Peter Yi, "And that's cider." Brooklyn's first cider house, where diners can drink the raw fermented apple concoction and chow down on Basque cooking, will open in Bushwick on Thursday. The doors of the Brooklyn Cider House at 1100 Flushing Ave. will open to the public for the first time 5 p.m. Thursday, after a years-long effort that began with a brother, a sister and Kickstartercampaign.
Otsailaren 3an banatuko dituzte 2018ko Goya sariak, eta gaur bertan jakinarazi dute hautagaien zerrenda. Euskal proiektuei dagokienez, 'Handia' eta 'Nur eta herensugearen tenplua' (Juanba Berasategi, 2017) dira nagusi.
Las becas de internacionalización del Gobierno vasco quieren formar, y a la vez, retener el talento
Datorren urtean abenduaren 5etik 9ra egingo den 53. azokan lehen aldiz egingo dute Sormen Bekarako deialdia.
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170