basque heritage worldwide
El poeta y músico nacido en Usurbil ha fallecido a los 78 años - Fue uno de los creadores del movimiento cultural 'Ez Dok Amairu'
El Hispanic Liverpool Project trata de rescatar la memoria de la comunidad española en la ciudad
La tienda que esta bergaresa tiene en Londres se ha convertido en referente de la moda infantil. La Duquesa de Cambridge, Claudia Schiffer, Victoria Beckham, Kate Hudson o Siena Miller se han rendido al estilo clásico y «muy donostiarra» de Amaia Kids
Este lugar en el Pedregal, ofrece emplatados espectaculares y porciones pequeñas, acompañadas de sabores inimaginables
Facing the worst drought on record in the Colorado River Basin, as lake levels continue to fall, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) is building a low lake level pumping station to ensure Las Vegas and Southern Nevada maintains access to its primary water supplies in Lake Mead.
A reception for the exhibit Spurs & Bota Bags: A Retrospective, featuring photographs by Linda Dufurrena, is slated Feb. 2 at Northeastern Nevada Museum. On a Basque ranch in Nevada, one might be a sheepherder one day and a cowboy the next. The first Basque herders who scrambled to gain a foothold in the new world in the decades after 1900 took their wages in sheep; eventually they were able to build the herds that allowed them to put down roots.
Euskal kulturaren urteko balantzea egiteko eskatu die 'Jakin'ek hamar egileri. Bertsolaritzaren, literaturaren, musikaren, arte plastikoen zein arte eszenikoen, zinemagintzaren, ingurune digitalen eta euskal hedabideen inguruan jardun dira
Jon Rahm never lacked for confidence with his golf. His father needed a little more convincing. That's a big reason why Edorta Rahm was so bullish on his son leaving their small town of Barrika in the Basque region of northern Spain for college in America. Never mind that his son didn't speak a word of English. This wasn't about improving his golf. He wanted Rahm to get an education.
Some U.S. cities have become practically synonymous with the ethnic and religious groups who have settled there, such as the proud Irish Americans of Boston's "Southie" neighborhood (see also: every Wahlberg brothers project) and the Cuban Americans of Miami who fled their native island and brought food, music and culture along with them.
In the long history of climbing on Mount Everest, there have been only a handful of summits during winter. And just one person—Ang Rita Sherpa—has climbed the world’s highest peak in the off-season without the use of supplemental oxygen. This winter, Basque climber Alex Txikon aims to become the second.
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