basque heritage worldwide
Bakersfield, California - For second generation dairy farmer Felix Echeverria, dairy farming is a family affair. His father, an immigrant from Spain’s Basque country, began milking cows in Southern California in the early 1950’s. Since then, Mr. Echeverria and his brother Johnny, have spent most of their mornings on dairy farms, waking early to milk the cows, put out the feed and check the water.
El protagonista de Handia, Eneko Sagardoy, ha ganado el premio a mejor actor de la 21 edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de Punta del Este (Uruguayu) por su papel en la película Handia.
Food is festivity in San Sebastian. With its pintxo bars, secret gastronomic societies and many Michelin stars, this little Spanish town is becoming the gourmet capital of the world
Kaxubiera eta euskara uste baino hurbilagokoak direla dio Sobrinok, elkarren arteko harremanak ugariak baitira. «Erakusten digute biziberritze prozesua ez dela amaitu».
Filmax International has boarded “Elcano And Magellan, The First Voyage Around the World,” picking up rights for world sales. The film is produced by Dibulitoon Studio, a leading animation production house in Spain’s Basque Country (“Teresa & Tim,” Yoko & His Friends”), and Bilbao-based distribution-production company Barton Films. Currently in production, “Elcano” will be offered to buyers and partners at the upcoming Cartoon Movie, which will take place in Bordeaux, France in March.
Empresarios cordobeses participaron en España del programa formativo de la Basque Culinary Center. Empresarios argentinos del sector gastronómico participaron, por primera vez, del Programa Formativo del Basque Culinary Center (BCC), ente especializado en difundir conocimiento y estrategias de gestión gastronómica.
El 20 de febrero de 2003, la Guardia Civil irrumpió en la redacción del único periódico editado en euskera, detuvo a sus responsables y abrió un proceso judicial que acabó en absoluciones. La mayoría de los medios españoles miró para otro lado.
Irene Larraza dirige el Instituto Etxepare desde principios de año, desde la inesperada marcha de Miren Arzalluz, a cuyo trabajo dará continuidad, con actividades como la apertura de una ventana de la cultura vasca a Escocia y los primeros pasos para internacionalizar el bertsolarismo.
Succulent steaks will be sizzling on the grill at BarSu all this month and next as the chefs in the gastro bar’s open kitchen cook up premium quality beef from Spain and Australia.
As Fashion Week sashays into London, an extraordinary exhibit on one of fashion’s greatest innovators was on view recently. Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion, which closed only yesterday, February 18, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, examined the work and legacy of the Basque couturier Cristóbal Balenciaga, considered in the industry as the “King of Fashion.”
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
Tel: (+34) 943 316170