basque heritage worldwide

In memory of

Victor Albistur

Victor Albistur
Victor Albistur

07/22/2022 - Fresno, CA, USA

Born in Beintza-Labaien, Navarre, Victor Albistur, 71, passed away on July 22nd in Fresno, California.

He was a well-known person within the Californian Basque community, not just but especially among the muslaris, since he was a big fan and a good player of this Basque card game and used to participate in many tournaments, winning many times, also at national level and representing the US at international level. He was also very fond of Basque pilota.

Our condolences to his wife Hilda, son Tony, family and friends.

A memorial service will be held Thursday, August 4, at 11 a.m. at Chapel of the Light, (559) 233-6254, 1620 W Belmont Ave, Fresno.

Goian Bego - May Rest in Peace

In memory of

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