08/13/2009 - Zarautz, Gipuzkoa
Luis Javier Oregi Bolunburu
He died a day before yesterday at 76. He was the father of Benan Oregi Iñurrieta, well known throught the Basque diaspora for his work and dedication as a staffer for the Direction of Relations with the Basque Communities Abroad of the Basque Government.
His funeral service will be today, August 13, 2009 at the Santa Maria la Real Church of Soraluze. Goian Bego.
Zarautzen hil zen herenegun, 76 urte zituela. Eusko Jaurlaritzan Kanpoko
Euskal Gizataldeekiko Harremanetarako Zuzendaritzan ari den Benan Oregi lagunaren aita zen.
Hileta-elizkizunak gaur, osteguna, arratsaldeko zazpietan, Soraluzeko Andra Mari Zeruratzea - Santa Maria La Real parroki elizan, egingo dira. Goian bego.